Saturday, September 4, 2010

Trying New Things

Larry learning something new - How to do the Zipline!
So, as I was attempting to learn how to do this blog and the videos/pictures I was reminded of how many tasks we all have to learn all the time.  Some are easier than others for sure but no one landed on this earth knowing how to do a thing - well, except cry perhaps!  Think of all the things you've learned - someone taught you perhaps and in some cases you taught yourself.  You learned by trial and error - making mistakes and then figuring it out!  Over and over again!  And it worked out pretty good, didn't it!  :-)

I was looking for a picture of me dancing but I guess no one took one!  :-)  That's something I do not know how to do but a few months ago I made up my mind to take some lessons.  Was I scared, uneasy, embarrassed, wondering about looking foolish........YES and a lot more things too!  I just decided I had to push through it because I've always wanted to dance but just didn't get started and have the courage to do it.

Now, I think of all the consultants who say they can't do a Spa because they don't know how to do one.  This is like everything else in our life - we need to ask someone to teach us or maybe you're like me and will have to figure it out by yourself and be the pioneer! 

I say that because there wasn't anyone doing BeautiControl where I lived.  Faye recruited me but she lived 3 hours away so it was up to me to figure it out.  Of course she called and supported me and I did have a consultant guide  and a phone and that was it.  I didn't have any friends or family and I had just moved to St. Louis and didn't really know anyone.

Was I scared?  Oh YES!  Did I worry about failing?  YES!  I just decided I had to try anyway and so I started out first with a couple of friends who I knew would love me anyway.  Also I picked two people that I knew didn't have any money and couldn't afford anything but I knew it would give me practice.  That's how I got started.  Practicing on someone and they didn't mind at all. 

From there I got some leads from a woman's show and I just went after it.  I figured out early on that they didn't know what my agenda was supposed to be anyway so they wouldn't really know if I left anything out!  Oh, there was that time where I washed someone's face with moisturizer and moisturized it with cleanser.  I just laughed, made fun of myself and said "let's do that all over - you'll have a clean face tonight for sure".  And you know what - they laughed with me and it didn't matter at all.

Don't let those kinds of things worry you.  Whatever career or job you have now - at home or at a business - you weren't perfect at it when you started it and you won't be perfect at doing a Spa.  But if you care about the people you're doing it for and you really want the women to have fun and enjoy themselves then it will all work out.  People aren't looking for perfection - they're looking for loving, accepting people who are down to earth and real! We can all do that! 

Today, don't worry about being perfect, having it all together.  Worry about the women that you've overlooked and forgot to show love and acceptance to.  Worry about who may have needed this career and you didn't share because you were worried about your own performance.  STOP!!  WORRY DOESN'T HELP ANYTHING!!.  It doesn't help you get better, it doesn't help you love!  But Action does!  ACTION SETS YOU FREE!!  And this little quote popped up on my Google site today: 

Everyone who got to where they are

had to begin where they were."
- Richard Paul Evans

Let's begin right where we are TODAY!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

FUN at Celebration!!

It's taken me weeks to figure out how to post this video.  If it works I want you to post a comment and let me know.  I've been trying to figure out videos, pictures, and all kinds of technology so bare with me.  If this works, I wonder what else we could do. 

As you can see we have FUN at Celebration!  And isn't it about time!  We've all been too gloomy too long!  Yes, there are hard times, yes, the economy has been challenging but there are many wonderful things to be happy about and we should always celebrate those!!  So, play this tune and get up from your computer and do a little dance!  Laugh a bit and take a moment to breathe and enjoy life today!!  I'll be back here soon to post more news.  In the meantime THIS IS A TEST!    Wishing you love and fun!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Girlfriends and Teamwork!

Teamwork! We just had an incredible meeting in St. Louis with guests Albert Bosch, President of BeautiControl, Charla Gervers, Regional Vice President, and Barbara Ward, Platinum Sr. National Director.

We came together as one big family of BC sisters....and brothers! We did not wear our titles or even use them - we were there together as girlfriends to welcome guests to take a look at our company! We had a blast and in spite of many little problems, it was one of the best meetings we have ever had.

When I say problems here's what I mean. One shipment with literature didn't show up. The temperature outside was terrible and then the air conditioning went out in the meeting room just when we were to start. We had so many guests that we had to do a Target run for more gift bags. Little technical difficulties getting the mike and computer right.

BUT the real testimony to how successful this meeting was is that no one got upset, no one left in spite of the heat. Everyone just seemed to want to be there and had fun and enjoyed hearing everyone share about this incredible company. None of the issues got to be BIG issues. Everyone joined together, stepped up to the plate in solving issues and made it a fabulous evening. IT WAS ALL ABOUT TEAMWORK.....AND SISTERHOOD!

We had 5 wonderful product stations near the registration area where for 45 minutes guests could take a look and sample our products. Then they were welcomed into the meeting room to hear several consultants, and guests Charla Gervers, Barbara Ward and Albert Bosch speak for a few minutes about who we are and what we offer to everyone. Several consultants gave short 3 minute talks on what it mean to them to be with BeautiControl.

The room was filled to standing room only! 204 people jammed into that very hot room! There were over 50 guests who came to check us out.

We are collecting results from that meeting but in my book it was wildly successful all around.
Guests loved it, had fun, tried our products, received a gift for coming and the WHO Foundation was $600 richer before the night was over!! We know that spas were booked and people joined us in this career. More people know BeautiControl and they saw a "rockin" team spirit in the place! Consultants and Directors worked side by side, no matter whose team they were on and they made this meeting a fun and happening place.

There is nothing better than BC Sisterhood and TEAMWORK!!

Today is the day to invite someone to join you on this journey and let them experience what we get to enjoy every day....fabulous company, products, career path, friendships, support, incredible gifts and travel.....too many things to mention. We should never keep this just to ourselves - we need to spread the word.

Grab a BC girlfriend's hand and go share the news!

Friday, August 6, 2010


What else can you say? These words like "awesome, amazing, fabulous" are getting old but CELEBRATION 2010 was all those and more!!

Here I am, 23 years in the business and I can still get so excited about this company! How many people can say they get really excited and energized at their job after so many years!

There are so many enhancements to our company.....the re-branding, the new literature and products....then the new promotion for Ceasar's Palace in Vegas....the low joining fee for new people.....more streamlined programs, more systems that makes it easier to do your business.......WOW!! They continually amaze me and WOW me!

Did you ever have so much good news and so many blessings and so many exciting things at one time that you just can't stand it!! :-) Well, that's about where I am! I just want to tell everyone what's going on and share with them what an amazing company and amazing people we have in this business!

St. Louis is SO fortunate to have President Albert Bosch come to see us on August 12th! He will be at the Holiday Inn, South Lindberg next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Come and meet Albert, meet the BeautiControl part of something that is so big and really making a difference in people's lives.

Did you know that St. Louis is the 3rd largest recruiting city in the US and also the area where there is the hottest growth potential! If you want to expand your business St. Louis is a great place to be right now. But that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of potential everywhere! Be the pioneer in your area that starts it all!! Grow your city......share what BeautiControl is all about. Beautiful Skin....Beautiful Life!!

We've done amazing things these past 25 or 30 years but I believe BeautiControl is on the brink of some incredible growth. Be a part of it. Share in it. Choose today to hop on the train - don't sit and watch it go by!! Call me if you want help! Let's give away the Freedom, Joy and Fun that BeautiControl has to offer.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

BC Offers are the best!

We have so much going on this month between the "up to 60% off" plus the discounted cases. I have especially been enjoying the 60% off and getting some of those products stocked up. Those large hand cremes that we can't live without for less than $4.00. That's a Wow for sure!

I sell a lot of the Wet/Dry and who can resist stocking up on that when it's about $4! You can sell it for $21 and make a HUGE profit or reduce the price and offer your client a sale and still make a great profit.

If you haven't noticed, every month there is something on sale. The way to be the most profitable is to purchse the products when they are on sale. Seems rather obvious but a lot of people just don't pay attention to the sales and miss this opportunity.

Many consultants want to get that 50% but aren't yet a VIP and yet with these sales you can get your 50% and more if you just plan your ordering based on the sales each month. Of course there are those great free gifts they offer too as well as the BOGO sales and Hostess gifts.

Since they've been offering the free gifts or Buy One/Get One I have set aside a container and I put all those items in that. Then when I'm looking for a free gift for a client or a gift with purchase or even just want to surprise someone with a product gift on their birthday, then that's the go-to box! How exciting to be able to give someone a $20-$60 gift and it costs you nothing. You can provide a lot of good will and good customer service if you take advantage of those special offers. Remember - that was one of our Keep It Simple things - Good Customer Service! Did anyone offer you that today?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Keep It Simple!

I'm getting very excited about attending Celebration next week. After reading Gary's recent blog on Celebration I'm wondering what they are going to be doing next. Whatever it is I know they will make it fun and exciting. Since our new President came on board I never know what to expect at these meetings. In the old days I knew most of what would happen before it actually happened but now there are surprises all the time.

Several of us are using Celebration as the beginning of our Fresh Start. We'll find out all the news, see the new product introductions and make our plans. Still following that idea of keeping it simple.

So, how can you keep it simple. First of all, focus on selling. Not everyone is a born salesperson so if you're not, then ask someone who is...........or pick up a book on selling. Even though you can pick up some great tips I believe that you also must be yourself, love what you do and honestly love to help others as well.

Let's face it - if you love the product and have seen results.............then you can share with someone......... offer that outstanding customer service and your business is way ahead of all the others. In the next few days think of what you would want someone to do for you. What kind of customer service or special customer perks would make you a loyal customer. Even better, ask your customers what would make them stay with you.

Some clients want the personal attention - they want you to visit with them, to try all the products, wear the colors and they want you to personally deliver. Other clients want to order online and have it appear at their door. The only way to find out who wants what is to ask and I think it would be a great idea to have a client profile on each client with notes on what is important to them. This would help you offer great customer service and keep them coming back.

Listening is key to everything. Don't we often talk more than listen. If you carefully listen to what the client is saying you can learn what she needs and loves. In our excitement about all the fabulous products we can often talk ourself right out of a sale because we're not listening to what the client really wants. And additionally it will help if we just share on a "need to know" basis. Sometimes we just tell clients so much, it's overwhelming. Keep it simple, Sell our products, offer Great Customer Service and Listen. Some really simple things we can practice every day.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

So, I seem to always start out these with some ramblings about whatever I'm thinking. And actually I went back to here and decided to post my new business approach for the new year. Then you can read on if you like for the ramblings!! :-)

I think we've all gotten way off track with our business because we've had so many distractions with all the changes. Yes, we've had some recession but I'm telling you that things are better and people are spending money and they want what we have.

Yesterday Larry and I went to the first restaurant to eat and there was almost an hour wait! The second one was 30 minutes but we decided if we wanted to eat we might as well wait. The place had people still coming in for an hour after we sat down. And it was families and large groups of friends. This was a new resturant in our area, not cheap and everyone is out spending money. I had a new client recently and her and her daughter spent $500 with me. So, here's what I'm saying......

Focus on sales. Set a goal to sell $500 a week - $2000 a month. Now some of you will say that's really a lot. With the price of our products - anti-aging, skin care, etc. (which are not unreasonable at all) it doesn't take long to sell $500. Particularly if you're in the Platinum Plus category - find clients over 50! HA! Anyway, if you had 5 Platinum Plus Skin care clients you would sell $500.........or if you held a $500 spa (it takes an average of 10 guests to get $500) or how about 3 one on one makeovers.....the point being it doesn't take long to get $500.

Then what if you really focused on that one party, or those 3 consultations, skin care clients and gave them outragious customer service. You could work just a few hours a week - if it's one Spa, then only 1 night a week.........4 nights a month..........and make $1000. Then if you continued this over a year.....with the would have almost 500 clients.......provided you gave incredible customer service you could be having $3000 - $5000 a month in sales because of your re-order business added to your new business every month.

My new business plan for the year is A Fresh Start.........Keeping it simple. $2000 sales a month, $500 sales a day of work a week......staying focused on growing that business. All other things will come. To keep up with product introductions, education, attend one team rally a month.......attend 2 National meetings a year. Not 4 meetings a month..........not dozens of phone calls..........FOCUS ON SELLING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. Call your Director for help and any direction, clarification on issues.

BeautiU is FREE for you to audit if you want to refresh. All you have to do is call Beauticontrol and register. You cannot register for free online. So, you can call and register and attend for free. And the best can also take as many friends with you as you would like - people who might want to take a look at the business..........and that's also FREE! You just need to call and register them on the phone. If they like it, they can sign up at the end of BeautiU and their training is finished. If they don't, they are more educated about the company and products and you've had a fun day with them. It really is a girlfriend day anyway - makeup, skin care, lunch and you're out by 1:00 PM!

So, that's it for now - Fresh Start - Keeping it Simple. How does it sound?

As for those rambling thoughts - think I'll save them for the next post!

What will your Fresh Start look like?