Saturday, September 4, 2010

Trying New Things

Larry learning something new - How to do the Zipline!
So, as I was attempting to learn how to do this blog and the videos/pictures I was reminded of how many tasks we all have to learn all the time.  Some are easier than others for sure but no one landed on this earth knowing how to do a thing - well, except cry perhaps!  Think of all the things you've learned - someone taught you perhaps and in some cases you taught yourself.  You learned by trial and error - making mistakes and then figuring it out!  Over and over again!  And it worked out pretty good, didn't it!  :-)

I was looking for a picture of me dancing but I guess no one took one!  :-)  That's something I do not know how to do but a few months ago I made up my mind to take some lessons.  Was I scared, uneasy, embarrassed, wondering about looking foolish........YES and a lot more things too!  I just decided I had to push through it because I've always wanted to dance but just didn't get started and have the courage to do it.

Now, I think of all the consultants who say they can't do a Spa because they don't know how to do one.  This is like everything else in our life - we need to ask someone to teach us or maybe you're like me and will have to figure it out by yourself and be the pioneer! 

I say that because there wasn't anyone doing BeautiControl where I lived.  Faye recruited me but she lived 3 hours away so it was up to me to figure it out.  Of course she called and supported me and I did have a consultant guide  and a phone and that was it.  I didn't have any friends or family and I had just moved to St. Louis and didn't really know anyone.

Was I scared?  Oh YES!  Did I worry about failing?  YES!  I just decided I had to try anyway and so I started out first with a couple of friends who I knew would love me anyway.  Also I picked two people that I knew didn't have any money and couldn't afford anything but I knew it would give me practice.  That's how I got started.  Practicing on someone and they didn't mind at all. 

From there I got some leads from a woman's show and I just went after it.  I figured out early on that they didn't know what my agenda was supposed to be anyway so they wouldn't really know if I left anything out!  Oh, there was that time where I washed someone's face with moisturizer and moisturized it with cleanser.  I just laughed, made fun of myself and said "let's do that all over - you'll have a clean face tonight for sure".  And you know what - they laughed with me and it didn't matter at all.

Don't let those kinds of things worry you.  Whatever career or job you have now - at home or at a business - you weren't perfect at it when you started it and you won't be perfect at doing a Spa.  But if you care about the people you're doing it for and you really want the women to have fun and enjoy themselves then it will all work out.  People aren't looking for perfection - they're looking for loving, accepting people who are down to earth and real! We can all do that! 

Today, don't worry about being perfect, having it all together.  Worry about the women that you've overlooked and forgot to show love and acceptance to.  Worry about who may have needed this career and you didn't share because you were worried about your own performance.  STOP!!  WORRY DOESN'T HELP ANYTHING!!.  It doesn't help you get better, it doesn't help you love!  But Action does!  ACTION SETS YOU FREE!!  And this little quote popped up on my Google site today: 

Everyone who got to where they are

had to begin where they were."
- Richard Paul Evans

Let's begin right where we are TODAY!!

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