Saturday, August 14, 2010

Girlfriends and Teamwork!

Teamwork! We just had an incredible meeting in St. Louis with guests Albert Bosch, President of BeautiControl, Charla Gervers, Regional Vice President, and Barbara Ward, Platinum Sr. National Director.

We came together as one big family of BC sisters....and brothers! We did not wear our titles or even use them - we were there together as girlfriends to welcome guests to take a look at our company! We had a blast and in spite of many little problems, it was one of the best meetings we have ever had.

When I say problems here's what I mean. One shipment with literature didn't show up. The temperature outside was terrible and then the air conditioning went out in the meeting room just when we were to start. We had so many guests that we had to do a Target run for more gift bags. Little technical difficulties getting the mike and computer right.

BUT the real testimony to how successful this meeting was is that no one got upset, no one left in spite of the heat. Everyone just seemed to want to be there and had fun and enjoyed hearing everyone share about this incredible company. None of the issues got to be BIG issues. Everyone joined together, stepped up to the plate in solving issues and made it a fabulous evening. IT WAS ALL ABOUT TEAMWORK.....AND SISTERHOOD!

We had 5 wonderful product stations near the registration area where for 45 minutes guests could take a look and sample our products. Then they were welcomed into the meeting room to hear several consultants, and guests Charla Gervers, Barbara Ward and Albert Bosch speak for a few minutes about who we are and what we offer to everyone. Several consultants gave short 3 minute talks on what it mean to them to be with BeautiControl.

The room was filled to standing room only! 204 people jammed into that very hot room! There were over 50 guests who came to check us out.

We are collecting results from that meeting but in my book it was wildly successful all around.
Guests loved it, had fun, tried our products, received a gift for coming and the WHO Foundation was $600 richer before the night was over!! We know that spas were booked and people joined us in this career. More people know BeautiControl and they saw a "rockin" team spirit in the place! Consultants and Directors worked side by side, no matter whose team they were on and they made this meeting a fun and happening place.

There is nothing better than BC Sisterhood and TEAMWORK!!

Today is the day to invite someone to join you on this journey and let them experience what we get to enjoy every day....fabulous company, products, career path, friendships, support, incredible gifts and travel.....too many things to mention. We should never keep this just to ourselves - we need to spread the word.

Grab a BC girlfriend's hand and go share the news!

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