Friday, August 6, 2010


What else can you say? These words like "awesome, amazing, fabulous" are getting old but CELEBRATION 2010 was all those and more!!

Here I am, 23 years in the business and I can still get so excited about this company! How many people can say they get really excited and energized at their job after so many years!

There are so many enhancements to our company.....the re-branding, the new literature and products....then the new promotion for Ceasar's Palace in Vegas....the low joining fee for new people.....more streamlined programs, more systems that makes it easier to do your business.......WOW!! They continually amaze me and WOW me!

Did you ever have so much good news and so many blessings and so many exciting things at one time that you just can't stand it!! :-) Well, that's about where I am! I just want to tell everyone what's going on and share with them what an amazing company and amazing people we have in this business!

St. Louis is SO fortunate to have President Albert Bosch come to see us on August 12th! He will be at the Holiday Inn, South Lindberg next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Come and meet Albert, meet the BeautiControl part of something that is so big and really making a difference in people's lives.

Did you know that St. Louis is the 3rd largest recruiting city in the US and also the area where there is the hottest growth potential! If you want to expand your business St. Louis is a great place to be right now. But that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of potential everywhere! Be the pioneer in your area that starts it all!! Grow your city......share what BeautiControl is all about. Beautiful Skin....Beautiful Life!!

We've done amazing things these past 25 or 30 years but I believe BeautiControl is on the brink of some incredible growth. Be a part of it. Share in it. Choose today to hop on the train - don't sit and watch it go by!! Call me if you want help! Let's give away the Freedom, Joy and Fun that BeautiControl has to offer.

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